

Title of the Project : Expansion of Van Enterprise Development Centre (Van İŞGEM)
Administration : Ministry of Industry and Trade, Regional Competitiveness Programme Coordination
    and Implementation Centre
Programme : IPA – Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme
Beneficiary : Van Industrialists and Businessmen Association – Turkey
Partners : Not Applicable
Budget (Euro) : 9.000.000,00
Duration (Months) : 30
Objectives :

The Operation will facilitate expansion of Van İŞGEM by 8.250 m2 (on average 250 m2 per tenant + shared facilities). This expansion will allow Van İŞGEM to host 30 more tenants. The Technical Assistance Component of the Operation, on the other hand, will improve the institutional capacity of Van İŞGEM, and will strengthen the technical skills and capabilities of the tenants. In due course, a business plan will be prepared for Van İŞGEM and a roadmap that demonstrates how Van İŞGEM can better serve the needs of its tenants will be produced. These institutional capacity building activities will include promotional activities as well. The technical assistance services to be provided to the tenants will be geared towards preparing them for the quality certification processes.