Culture and Art    



Title of the Project : Turkish-Bulgarian Cultural Heritage Network (CultureNet)
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : Joint Small Projects Fund Bulgaria – Turkey 2004
Beneficiary : Pınarhisar Municipality – Turkey
Partners : Tsarevo Municipality – Bulgaria
Budget (Euro) : 60.508,50
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

This action is aimed at providing a framework for sustainable development that will provide an enhanced lifestyle for the people, by protecting the historic environment, supporting and empowering grass – roots initiatives, encouraging and promoting local movements in the area of conservation of cultural heritage and collection and promotion of anonym history of the region.

Title of the Project : Local Products and Crafts Exhibition (EXHIBITION)
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : 2005 Bulgaria – Turkey Joint Small Projects Fund
Beneficiary : Babaeski Municipality – Turkey
Partners : Lübimets Municipality – Bulgaria
Budget (Euro) : 32.974,73
Duration (Months) : 10
Objectives :

The aim of the project is exhibition, presentation and marketing products in “Joint exhibition areas” and joint studies among students of architecture studying in the region via supporting local cultures in the context of production of regional products and crafts.

Title of the Project : Yıldız Palace Of Ottoman Empire Reveals Its Treasures
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : The Civil Society Facility – EU – Turkey Intercultural Dialogue: Museums (ICD-MUSE)
Beneficiary : Yıldız Palace Foundation – Turkey
Partners : The Museum of Cultural History – Kulturen – Sweden
Budget (Euro) : 97,230.90
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

Development of cooperation and initiation of know-how exchange between museums of Turkey and Sweden, in the context of YSV of Turkey and KULTUREN of Sweden and to create more mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue between civil societies of Turkey and Europe, by increasing number of national and international visitors visiting the Yıldız Palace Museum by 100%, through increased awareness about the museum via enhancing potential of Yıldız Palace Museum, by improving its exhibition and curation standards, introducing it to both national and international audiences through an internet portal featuring inside visualisation of the museum and attracting children to the museum via interactive museum education programs, in close cooperation and know-how exchange between YSV and KULTUREN.

Title of the Project : Revitalisation and Conservation of Traditinal Kemaliye Gazenne Weaving
Administration : North East Anatolia Development Agency
Programme : Agriculture-Tourism-Industry Financial Support Programme
Beneficiary : Association of Women of Kemaliye – Turkey
Partners : Kemaliye Culture and Development Foundation – Turkey
Budget (TL) : 229.635,00
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

Contribution to local socio-economic development through letting minimum 40 women who live in Kemaliye, to start their own ventures in traditional gazenne weaving and thus, ensuring their participation in registered labour market and employment and revitalization of a local traditional product and gaining it to local tourism via encouraging 50 unqualified and unemployed women who live in Kemaliye to start their own ventures by providing them with 65 hours long traditional gazenne weaving training, providing minimum 40 women who finished the trainin with a weaving equipment and providing them with consultancy services and production supports.

Title of the Project : E-Info About Culture In Kelkit
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : Civil Society Dialogue II: Culture and Arts Grant Scheme (CSD-II/CA)
Beneficiary : Niksar Culture and Traditions Revitalisation Association – Turkey
Partners : Föreningen Österlens Folkhögskola – Sweden
Budget (Euro) : 143.915,00
Duration (Months) : 15
Objectives :

To help both societies (min. 500 people in Turkey, 500 people in Sweden) to know more about each other’s culture and art, to create institutional integration among project partners, and culture and art operators (creation of min. 5 workgroups) and building capacity for increased institutional transactions and sustainable partnerships (initiation of discussions for min. 5 new projects) via provision of extensive information about artistic and cultural values of the Kelkit basin, through establishment of network among culture and art operators (min. 10 from Turkey, 10 from Sweden), creation of a portal and using it as the most reliable source of information about the culture of target region.