Title of the Project : Increasing Schooling Rate of Girls While Passing to Lycee in Çıldır
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : Increasing School Enrolment Rates Especially for Girls
Beneficiary : Çıldır Municipality – Turkey
Partners : Çıldır Regional Primary Boarding School – Turkey
Budget (Euro) : 103.362,00
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

Returning min. 20% of min. 150 girls in Çıldır centre, back to their education in lycees, who dropped out of their schools after primary school, in last three years and increasing schooling rate among girls by min. 5%, in lycees active in Çıldır centre and in vocational lycees active in Ardahan centre via identification of min. 150 girls who did not continue their schools after primary school, in last three years via surveys in YIBO, in Çıldır centre and in Çıldır Lyceee; provision of awareness and career services to min. 100 primary school students in Çıldır centre, about continuing to their schools; and awareness campaign to min. 150 girls who quitted their schools, and their families for motivating these girls to return back to their schools.

Title of the Project : Vocational Lycee Teachers E-Capacity Program
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : Increasing School Enrolment Rates Especially for Girls
Beneficiary : Van Industrialists and Businessmen Association – Turkey
Partners : Van Directorate of Organised Industrial Zone – Turkey
    Van Vocational Highschool – Turkey
Budget (Euro) : 104.539,00
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

Increasing number of students choosing vocational lycees, hence schooling rate in vocational lycees in Van, by min. 10% via increasing quality of teachers in 4 vocational lycees in Van centre; increasing success of students by min. 30%; and decreasing rate of school drop-outs by min. 20%.

Title of the Project : Creative Thought Development Centre (YADUGEM) Project
Administration : Istanbul Development Agency
Programme : Development of Creative Industries Financial Support Programme
Beneficiary : Bilgi Education and Culture Foundation – Turkey
Partners : Not Applicable
Budget (TL) : 782.505,00
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

Establishment of one Creative Thought Development Centre (CTDC) in each of the Kağıthane and Kadıköy districts for education of children with superior creativity potential and for education of teachers working on creativity and innovation, then (i) identification of minimum 120 children with superior creativity potential who are already studying, implementation of special educational program towards minimum 100 of them at these CTDCs and increasing their creativity by minimum 50%, (ii) increasing capacities of minimum 50 teachers who are already working on creativity and innovation at CTDCs and contributing to answer the needs of the Ministry of National Education in this field by encouraging minimum 30 of them to apply these education models towards children with superior potential in their classes, to become experts in application of Torrance group creativity tests and to be certified in accordance with international standards at two pilot primary schools in each of these districts, which will be identified by Provincial Directorate of National Education.

Title of the Project : Green Schools for Circular Economy (GFORCE)
Administration : Central Finance and Contracts Unit
Programme : Town Twinning Action between Turkey and the EU Grant Scheme (TTGS)
Beneficiary : Espiye Municipality – Turkey
Partners : União das Freguesias de Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom e Jovim (UFG) – Portugal
    Campo Aberto – Associação de Defesa do Ambiente (ADA) – Portugal
Budget (Euro) : 117.871,20
Duration (Months) : 12
Objectives :

The environmental quality in Turkey is far below EU standards and this is compounded by limited management and administrative capacity for implementing upgraded environmental infrastructure and managing services in an efficient and sustainable way. In this regard, the action aims at building administrative capacity in EBB in implementation of a community-based municipal waste management system in Espiye district of Giresun to achieve reduction of waste and increase in waste recovery and recycling. Socio-economic development of Turkey should be realised in a participative manner by improving human resources and infrastructure needs in line with EU acquis area Environment, for a higher level of environmental protection. For this reason, with concentrated exchanges between EBB from Turkey and UFG and ADA from Portugal in developing a Green Flag campaign and environmental standards for creation of green schools through establishment of Green Schools Network (GSNET) in Espiye district of Giresun, the action aims to teach children in primary and secondary schools in Espiye how to sort waste, consume and behave in an environmentally friendly manner.